Lending Dashboard - How to supply or withdraw assets

By lending passively, you can earn APY in the same asset plus any additional boost of FBOX APY if it is incentivised by the DAO.

Lending Assets

Step 1. Go to Passive Pools page and click Supply on the asset you want to supply.

Step 2. Specify the amount you want to supply or just click on MAX.

Step 3. First click Approve and wait for the transaction to be confirmed. Then, click Supply and wait for the confirmation. When a transaction is confirmed, you will receive diesel tokens.

Withdrawing liquidity

Step 1. Go to Passive Pools page and click Withdraw on the asset you want to withdraw.

Step 2. Specify the amount you want to withdraw if you want to take out a bit or click MAX if all.

Step 3. First click Approve and wait for the transaction to be confirmed. Then click Withdraw and wait for the confirmation. When a transaction is confirmed, you will receive back your assets.

Usually, in DeFi protocols forced liquidation is not implemented. This creates the risk of insufficient liquidity for the withdrawal operation. To mitigate this risk, the parameters for managing the interest rate curve of the pool are introduced (interest rate depends on utilization ratio of the pool). If the utilization of the pool is too high, governance can increase these parameters and thereby make lending more expensive. This will encourage borrowers to close loans and thereby reduce pool utilization.

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Last updated